Stop IT

What is bullying?

Bullying is a single significant act or a pattern of acts by one or more student directed at another student that:

  • Exploits an imbalance of power;

  • Involves written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct;

  • Has or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student's property, or placing a

  • student in reasonable fear of harm;

  • Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating,

  • threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student;

  • Materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the 

    orderly operation of a classroom or school;

  • Infringes on the rights of the victim at school.

CV Jr/Sr High Stance on Bullying

As administrators, we strive to provide proactive and preventative programming and curriculum to prevent bullying among students. Our goal is to build students’ self-worth, help them set healthy and appropriate boundaries with one another and the people around them, and to facilitate healthy conflict resolution skills starting in 6th grade through the end of their educational career at City View. 

Bullying on Campus

Bullying on Campus

School Response to Bullying

  • Crime Stoppers Safe School program came to campus and put on a bullying presentation for our entire 6th-grade class. 

  • Kidpower came out and trained our entire staff before the semester began and returned for over 42 presentations with all grade levels regarding keeping themselves safe and reporting unsafe situations to adults. 

  • Capturing Kids Hearts curriculum is implemented in grades 6-8 in all of our “Teen Leadership” style classes. Students are taught the importance of being kind and encouraged to see their self-worth. 

  • The district is bringing in Reggie Dabbs, an inspirational speaker to speak to all students about self-confidence, changed behaviors, and overcoming difficult circumstances 


Student Training Video


K-12 Blog


City View Counseling Center

  • Two forms of counseling are offered to students both online and in person through grants with Region 9 & Texas Tech

  • Morning Meeting small group counseling during breakfast

  • Mediation between peers 

  • Lunch Bunch small group counseling during lunch

  • Transition counseling for AEP students

  • Smart Scheduling for students with documented conflicts

City View PD Response to Bullying

  • Chief Collier enters each bullying case into an online report writing systems and reports are kept on file.

  • Chief Collier has written to state representatives involving bullying and the legislation around it. 

  • City View PD is actively working on looking into any software that might enable faster, more accurate reporting.